Parent & Child Fostering Placements

Dedicated Care That Starts With YOU

At Anchor, we are determined to improve lives by giving children a safe and stable environment – an environment that is only possible because of people like you, who foster. Our team involves a blend of foster carers, social workers, and placement officers, each one utilising their in-depth knowledge to ensure best matches for those placed with us. Our parent and child fostering assessment team study young people’s needs in detail to find the perfect match, ensuring that both the carer and the one cared-for are satisfied. At Anchor, care starts with YOU. We value dedication and commitment to helping others much more than your qualifications. We have a wide range of programmes for adults and young people and are always looking for outstanding individuals to support more placements. At Anchor, we don’t just help young people, but also help you scale new professional and personal heights.

We're Ready to Help You Achieve Professional & Personal Fulfilment - Are You?

