Never Heard of Parent and Child Fostering Before?

Parent and child fostering

You may have heard of parent and child fostering. If you haven't, here's an easy way to discover more about it. Watch our short explainer video to maximise your parent and child fostering knowledge.

Watching a video not for you? Want additional, next-level information? Our foster carer blog is a must read for you then. You can read it here.

Still thinking thanks, but no thanks? Why not let us build your confidence in parent and child fostering by providing you with a little more proof. Head to our testimonial page to read our foster carer Vivien's review of parent and child fostering and to also learn right off the top her reasons for becoming a parent and child foster carer.

 A role that is in high demand, we've also given you a breakdown below about the placement types that you can expect to undertake as a parent and child foster carer.

Assessment Placements
These placements typically last for approximately twelve weeks to twenty weeks and involve concluding an assessment report related to the parent’s ability to look after their child.

Pre-birth Placements
Such placements help parents by preparing them for the birth of their child by making them understand their personal needs as well as the baby’s.

Parenting Supporting Placements
These placements provide basic care, guidance, safety, and warmth for their child. Moreover, it is also provided to parents that need a secure place to live. 

Don't forget you can also contact our team directly to ask questions about parent and child foster caring. 

A phone call can change your life. Do you want to be the one who changes a parent and child’s? Join our team of committed foster carers and make this dream come true! Contact 0800 328 3119 for more information or visit our contact us page to request a call back today.